How To Stay Fit In Busy Schedule?

Today, everyone has the same problem and that is chubby body, belly fat. Because of, we face many problems like- diabetes, high blood pressure, and many heart-related problems.

Fitness is not about you have a muscular body, have biceps triceps but fitness means to leave a Healy life.

But I busy in my daily life schedule how I stay fit?? 
Alright, this is not a big issue we have to follow following easy steps:-

Positive attitude

A positive attitude is the first thing to stay fit and healthy. Positivity is the key not for a healthy life but also for life like a legend. 
postpositive attitude gives us a boost to stay healthy and fit.

Sleep properly

Many people make a simple and common mistake and that is late night sleeping.

The old men of India Say a simple thing " Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy and wise".

According to doctors child must sleep up to 9 hours, adults must sleep for 7-8 hours and olds must be periods of sleep for 6-hour minimum in daily life.

Eat Healthily

Many of us like to eat pizza, burger and junk food all these are very harmful because they have much less quantity of nutrition and a high quantity of cholesterol and fat. 
Have to follow the pyramid fresh things. 
The way of testing like:- 
                                              Heavy breakfast
                                              Less heavy lunch 
                                              Light dinner

Morning walk

Morning walk is very good for health. 10-20 mins of our days we should do morning walk. According to scientists in the morning, the air is maximum pure, quantity of oxygen in the air in the morning is highest in the time period of 4am-6am. 

Morning walk is better than jogging. According to medical science daily morning walk is keep resist you from heart disease and diabetes. 

Drink Plenty of water 

Water is the medicine of every disease. .Drinking enough water does not cause acne on the face. There is no life without water enough not fatten the body and drinking enough water makes us feel good.

Yoga and Exercise

Yoga is the best option to stay healthy and fit in a busy schedule. In our daily life, we just have to do yoga for only 10-15 mins. Pranayam, Kapal bhathi, anulom vilom are the best yoga for a healthy life.
Yoga also boosts spiritual power in us.

Whereas exercise is the best option for burn calories and stays fit. 15-20 mins exercise Burn a lot of calories in our body.

Say No to Addiction

Addiction is the most dangerous thing for our life it kills us slowly. People say that they can't get affected by addition but this thing is a myth. The addition is a slow poison and everyone knows what is the job of poison.


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